From authentic kefir to the first organic dairy in Slovenia

The only family dairy with kefir from real kefir grains in the European Union.

Traditional kefir from real kefir grains

Kefir grains were brought to Slovenia from the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The beginning of our journey dates back to 1992. At that time, our parents, Dunja and Brane Kelečevič, brought live kefir grains from the former USSR and started producing traditional kefir in a small family dairy in Laze pri Logatcu. They were driven by the passion to bring this natural probiotic drink, popular with centenarians from the Caucasus, closer to Slovenes and today their story is continued by their children, Sandra Turnšek and Danijel Kelečević.

Traditional kefir from real kefir grains

For decades we have been developing dairy products in Laze pri Logatcu which we ourselves miss having on the shelves of Slovenian stores. 

The first organic dairy in Slovenia

Our vision is to make organic and natural products something that is completely normal.

In 2007, we transferred our family’s ecological way of life to our business. We wanted to offer organic products to customers, so we invited 5 local farmers to participate. With our help, they started producing organic milk, and we became the first organic dairy in Slovenia. Because we want organically grown food to become commonplace, we were the first to introduce organic products in Slovenian schools and kindergartens.

The first organic dairy in Slovenia

General manager and owner Sandra Turnšek, Technical manager and owner Danijel Kelečević.

How our products are made

Krepko Dairy is one big family

As many as 90 per cent of our employees come from nearby areas.

Today, Krepko Dairy is co-created by X employees and many of them have been with us from the very beginning. As the largest employer in the food industry in our area, we want to leave a positive mark on the local environment. We regularly educate our employees, and we also encourage local residents, whom we later employ, to study food science. That is why there are several generations from the same family among our employees today

Krepko Dairy is one big family